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Ramsbury Primary School

Year One

Welcome to Class 1!

Welcome to Class 1. Mrs McCallum teaches on a Monday and Tuesday, with Mrs Choudhury teaching Wednesday to Friday. Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Beattie and Miss Martin.

During their time in Class 1, children build on their prior knowledge gained in Reception. Children still learn through play in a number of ways and have the opportunity to become confident, independent learners.  ​Planning for learning uses a combination of focused teaching sessions and exploratory activities as well as enhanced opportunities for child-initiated tasks.

Class 1 continue to learn phonics through Unlocking Letters and Sounds. The children learn new graphemes every week and we ask that you review these at home too. We will send out a weekly newsletter so that you know which graphemes to focus on. Children bring home a reading book that they already have read in school. The aim is for your child to read these books fluently and independently – they learn the building blocks to read at school and practise being amazing readers and storytellers at home! Don’t forget that it is also extremely important to read stories to your child as this is where they will learn wonderful vocabulary, how to change their voice to ask questions or become a character. It really will make a difference!

In Maths, children will become confident mathematicians through hands-on, practical lessons. Children will be encouraged to explain their findings which will enable them to further develop their mathematical understanding. We also focus on knowing key facts fluently. Again, look out for information on our weekly newsletter so that you can help at home.

An ​enquiry question begins each term’s learning with a ‘hook’ to capture the children’s imaginations and bring their learning to life.  The enquiry theme is concluded each term with an event, guided and informed by the children’s own findings from the learning that term.  Our learning adventures take us in many directions!

We hope you and your child really enjoy being part of Class 1!

Contact the Class 1 Team

Class 1 team: Mrs McCallum, Mrs Choudhury, Mrs Beattie and Miss Martin.

Class 1 Team (ID 1090)



Curriculum Intent

10 Experiences


Unlocking Letters and Sounds – Actions, Images and Handwriting Phase 2

Phase 3 sound mat

Phase 5 sound mat

Common Exception Words

Words we learn to read by the end of Year 1

Phase 2 CEW

Phase 3 CEW

Phase 4 CEW

Phase 5 CEW


Words we learn to spell by the end of Year 1

Spellings in Year 1



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