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Ramsbury Primary School

Year Six

Welcome to Class 6! The class is taught by Mrs Cooke on Mondays (from term 2) and Mrs Haynes Tuesday to Friday. Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Hinder.

The last year at Ramsbury School is a challenging and exciting experience for the children. They will be building on the skills learnt in Class 5 and will become more independent in their work, to prepare for the next step of their learning journey!

Our learning this year will be centered around the question ‘Do we all have the power to change the world?.  For the first two terms, we will be considering if it is important for us to preserve the past, and we will focus on life during Prehistoric times.  After Christmas, we will explore the book ‘Wonder’ and will use this to inspire us to think about what others and, ultimately, what we can do  to change our world for the better. Finally, in terms 5 & 6, our learning will have an environmental theme focusing on what we can do about the plastic problem in our rivers and seas.

As well as working towards our SATs in May, there will be plenty to look forward to in the coming terms, including applying for our Class 6 Ambassador roles, getting to know our buddies in Reception and, of course, our residential to Rockley at the end of September!

PE will be taught by Mrs Clarke on a Wednesday afternoon; please come into school in your PE kit on Wednesdays.

Homework will be set on a Friday and is due in on a Wednesday. Please bring in a reading book and water bottle every day.

Contact the Class 6 Team

Class 6 team: Mrs Haynes, Mrs Cooke and Mrs Hinder

Class 6 Team (ID 1095)



Curriculum Intent

10 Experiences


Set on a Friday

Further Information

Recommended Reading List

Year 6 Parent workshop SATs PDF


Love Reading for Schools

Supporting your Child with Spelling

Supporting your child with Grammar